If you’re on Electron Top’s mailing list, you’ve no doubt received their latest installment of “Keep in Touch” – a short, heartfelt article titled “Support the Little Guys”.
Of course, “the little guys” they’re referring to are us – small, independently owned and family operated auto upholstery shops. Give the article a read and you’ll understand why we’re such big fans of Electron Top.
Below is a short excerpt from the piece:
This country was founded on small businesses. Without the local mercantile, blacksmith or farmer, our country would not have succeeded. Local merchants and suppliers are the thread that tie the residents to their community. They are the schools, pharmacies, delicatessens, mechanics, local grocers, hardware stores, 5 & 10’s piano teachers and book stores, (forgive me if I have forgotten some). They are the providers of first jobs, memories, supporters of children and their sport’s teams and their buildings help provide locations for the community to gather. “A farmer must tend to his sheep if he wants wool for his clothing.”
Our amazing country is still full of wealth and opportunity, although in my opinion there is a growing sense of entitlement; it is still a country full of tremendous possibilities for anyone living here or emigrating here. Many immigrants, including our Grandparents, came to this country drawn to the appeal of its freedom, immense opportunities and the idea that they could promote themselves independently in business. They could preserve, work hard and hopefully prosper in owning their own businesses; at least the possibility is greater here than some other countries. How blessed WE are. So… “What does it matter if small businesses survive? … because most of our Auto Trim Industry is made up of them!” (Read the full article)
Electron Top has championed the interests of us “little guys” for a long time – way before The Hog Ring existed. As a family business itself, Electron Top not only talks the talk, but walks it too.
In addition to manufacturing quality products at competitive prices and providing the very best in customer service, Electron Top has gone to great lengths to support independent auto upholstery shops. For instance, while some other manufacturers in our industry have begun selling directly to our customers – cutting us out of our markup, Electron Top has refused to do so. In essence, leaving money on the table out of sheer principle and commitment to us.
Electron Top has also been a loyal supporter of The Hog Ring, helping to offset the cost of running this website so that the entire industry may benefit.
Please show your gratitude and support by giving them your business. Set up a business account today by calling toll free: (800) 221-4476. You can also browse their catalog online at ElectronTop.com.
Thank you for the very kind words of support and admiration. We are always grateful for what you are doing for all of us.
Much appreciated Kimmy!