I’ve seen motorcycle seats decked out in skulls, flames, dragons, snakes — you name it. But this elegantly handcrafted saddle seat is by far the most bad ass of all. If John Wayne rode a steel horse, it would definitely have one of these.
Unfortunately, the craftsman behind this six-shooter motorcycle seat is a mystery. If you know who he/she is, please let us know — as we’d love to give credit for such a fine job.
That is the exact opposite of the western theme car interior – this does indeed kick ass. Very well done!
I have had a customer want a saddle seat. Very hard to make. He eanted the horn and sides just like a saddle
Juan Salcedo of JS Custom Choppers built “El Bandido” with lots of sumptuous hand-tooled leather and plenty of ammo for his Colt six-guns.
– See more at: http://www.bikernet.com/pages/story_detail.aspx?id=6985#sthash.uFUeXWcU.dpuf