Check out Kee Auto Top‘s March 2016 newsletter for discounts, product information and an awesome “Trimmer Tip.”
Did you know that Kee Auto Top manufactures custom fit tops for muscle cars? They even stock original parts, colors and grains. This includes Boar and Levant non-padded. If you’re building a custom or original muscle car, contact Kee today!
What’s more, Kee is running a “Winter Close Out Special” on Cambria, which is the same as Stayfast/Topline, except for undyded backing. The Cambria on sale is available in a range of popular colors — including shale, cinnamon, pepper and dark blue.
Want to save money on your next order? No problem. Kee is currently running a promotion where you can submit before and after shots of Kee tops you installed. If Kee uses the photos in an ad or on social media, you get an automatic 5% discount on your next purchase. To participate, email the photos to
Want more? Check out this month’s “Trimmer Tip” on convertible top installation.
Read Kee‘s March newsletter below:
For those who don’t know, Kee Auto Top has been a proud sponsor of The Hog Ring since 2013. We chose to partner with Kee because of their high-quality products and outstanding customer service.
Through sponsorship, Kee Auto Top is championing our mission to strengthen and grow the auto upholstery industry, as well as helping to offset the costs associated with running this website. Please show your appreciation by giving them your business.
If you haven’t already, make sure to follow Kee Auto Top on Facebook and Twitter — where you can learn more about the company, it’s fantastic products and stay on top of all their latest sales and promotions.
For additional information on Kee Auto Top‘s products, visit or give them a call at (800) 241-7046 or (800) 438-5934.
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